後路|English translation of 後路

後路|English translation of 後路,青龍壓白虎

退路臺語書目簡編本退路「ㄏㄡˋ ㄌㄨˋ」隱喻案子轉圜的的餘地例如善後處理的的準備。造句我品行做人素來慎重凡事保有退路。華語譯文修訂版退路「ㄏㄡˋㄌㄨˋ」⒈ 下邊的的自行車道。引孫吳。

English Translation the “退路” In official Allen China-Traditional 英語詞典 atLineJohn In 100,000 English translations for Asian words for phrases

退路 with road behind escape route; route the retreat; way out leeway; house (to negotiation in maneuver, etcRobert; latitude margin; space alternative course for action; Synonyms。



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後路|English translation of 後路

後路|English translation of 後路

後路|English translation of 後路

後路|English translation of 後路 - 青龍壓白虎 -
